About Me

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My wife and I are missionaries to England. We will be planting local, New Testament, Bible-believing Baptist churches. We are sent out of Mamre Baptist Church in Kitts Hill, Ohio. We will be serving in Beeches Road Baptist Chapel upon arrival. This is a church plant near Birmingham, England. Please pray for God to be glorified and the hearts of the British to be opened to the Gospel!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Holbrook, New York

On Thursday, May 19 we were in Holbrook, New York, which is on Long Island.  We presented our work in New Hope Baptist Church, pastored by Jayson Toth.  We met Pastor Toth and his family at a conference last September and were finally able to come to their church!  On Thursday afternoon Jonathan preached and gave his testimony at a public school Bible Club.  I went to a ladies' luncheon with Mrs. Toth that afternoon. After the evening service the Toth family treated us to some real New York pizza!  What a fun time of fellowship!
Pastor Toth

Alathia and Trinity Toth

Jonathan enjoying some Zeppoles!  They were amazing.  Just deep fried pizza dough with powdered sugar.

Josiah Toth taking a nap at the pizza place
While we were in the area we spent some time sight seeing! Jonathan had never been to New York City, so this was a special treat for him.
Jonathan got a hot dog from a vendor down at Time Square.  What a busy place!

This is the view of Manhattan from Liberty Island. As you can see it has just rained A LOT! We were the only ones standing at the base of the Statue, everyone else was huddled inside the gift shop. 

Deposit, New York

We shared our ministry at West Branch Bible Baptist Church on Wednesday, May 18.  They normally have their mid-week service on Thursday, but were able to move it to Wednesday so we could be in another service on Thursday.  We had a cook out before the service and then shared our ministry with the church there.  Pastor Steve Logue has been here for a few years and came from Jonathan's church in Missouri.  We enjoyed spending some time with them and their children!
Pastor Steve Logue

Emily and Grace Logue

Mother's Day Sunday

Sunday morning of Mother's Day we were with the First Baptist Church of Brighton, Illinois.  Jonathan spoke during Sunday school and we shared our burden for England.  Pastor Ellard and his family sang "I Have Been Blessed" and it was truly a blessing! 
Mrs. Ellard played for the congregational singing

The children sang a special song for Mother's Day

The Ellard family singing a special song

Pastor Ellard

The girls playing outside after the service

Sunday evening we traveled to Gays, Illinois to be with Pastor Layne Lashley at Calvary Baptist Church.  It was a joy to be with this church again and be able to share more with them about our ministry in England. 

Montezuma, Indiana

We visited Independent Baptist Church in Montezuma to share our mission to England.  We were also with this church last summer during our travels with the singing group. When we arrived last year, they were just beginning a building project.  It was a blessing to see how far the building has come this year. 

This is the building they are currently meeting in.
This is the new auditorium which is now under roof!
Jonathan preached during the Wednesday evening meeting.

Johnson City, Tennessee

We were also with Pastor Dale Cunningham at Boones Creek on the first Sunday in May.  It was a blessing to be able to return to this church and share our ministry.  We traveled here last year with the Ladies Ensemble from Crown. Before the evening service we served PG Tips tea and Digestive biscuits from England.  The time of fellowship was much enjoyed by all!

Jonathan and Pastor Cunningham

the Orchestra

This young man played an excellent offertory during the Sunday evening service.

Jackson, Michigan

The Lord gave us the opportunity to share our ministry at the Mission Conference of Loomis Park Baptist Church in Jackson, Michigan in April.  We were blessed to hear Bro. Tom Crichton as the speaker each evening. 

Jonathan and Bro. Crichton

Pastor Zawadski

Miss Barb Perrine shared her ministry with Bibles International